Toast to good times ahead!

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Say goodbye to 2024

Hogmanay Dining

Raise a glass and toast to an amazing year ahead! Get together and indulge in a perfectly prepared pre-bells meal before heading out to celebrate the start of 2025.

Our Hogmanay menu is available from 12pm to 9pm.

2 courses £31.50
3 courses £39.50

Kids (aged 2-10)
2 courses £10.50
3 courses £13.50

Relax and enjoy a memorable dining experience as you prepare for an exciting New Year.

New Year's Day Dining

Celebrate your New Year in style and grandeur at Seamill Hydro from just £35.95pp.

Festive Family Lunch

Enjoy a delicious festive lunch, perfect for the whole family, for just £29.95 per person.

Dine Throughout December

Festive Fayre Dining

Enjoy all your festive favourites specially prepared by our head chef from £29.50 per adult.

Find Out More